Friday, November 11, 2011

My Oma would be proud...

So I realized the other day that I am not so good at blogging on a regular basis. How often are you supposed to blog anyway?? Every day? Once a week?? I'm sure there isn't a hard and fast rule about it, but I feel like I'm breaking the rule anyway... Oh well.

On to what this post is actually about.

Pancakes. Delicious, hot off the stove, covered in goodness, pancakes.

My brandsma-blood is pumping like crazy right now. If you are a brandsma, you love pancakes. Its in our DNA. Test it. Its a fact.

We have made pancakes in my family ever since I can remember. In fact, I'm pretty sure that we were taught how to flip those little flapjacks of love before we were even walking... (that and how to make coffee for my parents... hmm... I feel some traditions passing along to my kids...) They were SUCH a staple in our house, growing up, that I can't help but think of my childhood while making them. They weren't ever a fancy recipe or anything, just plain old bisquick pancakes. Sometimes they were regularly shaped, and sometimes my dad would make them into mickey mouse, snowmen, letters, etc.

I remember one particular time, when my Oma Brandsma was visiting us, she made us pancakes for breakfast, but she added apples without telling us. I remember taking a few bites and instantly knowing that something was different, but for some reason couldn't put my finger on how or why. Of course being a kid, once I found out it was apples, I instantly refused to eat them. (what can I say? I'm a traditionalist. I rarely stray from the norm...)

Anyway, today, I wanted to make some pancakes for my daughter and I for lunch. We have pancake mix, but I wanted to this recipe I saw on a fellow pancake-lover's blog. Well technically it was a cross between two different recipes.

here are the links:

It was quite the experience! Recently, I made two small (but not so small) changes to my pantry... best changes ever.

Raw sugar and wheat flour.

Anyway, its been a little interesting learning how to cook since they have very different textures than all purpose flour and regular white sugar. In this recipe, I couldn't tell the difference between the white sugar and raw sugar, but next time I might do 75% wheat flour and 25% all purpose flour, making them a bit less dense. But they turned out good anyway! Look at my delicious outcome!

The pancakes are layered with greek yogurt and a dollop of pumpkin butter... Note to self... taste test the greek yogurt before putting on your pancakes... I actually wasn't a fan. Maybe it was the flavor (vanilla). Who knows. It sure looks good tho!

I tried them a couple other ways too, cause I am not a fan of syrup (I know, I'm crazy). One with a little butter and a sprinkle of powdered sugar and another with peanut butter (this was my favorite) and one with just pumpkin butter. All of those ways were delicious. I made half of the pancakes with apple chunks and half without. (made me instantly think of my amazing Oma Brandsma). Mikaela wasn't a fan of the ones with apples in them. Funny how things come full circle. haha! 

Looking forward to my next blog. I'm going to take a break from food posts and tackle some sort of home decor craft. Probably some that will have to do with Mikaela's up and coming 2nd birthday (holy cow, I'm old...)

Have a great day! And enjoy a pancake for me!

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